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Toolbox- Think Happy

THINK HAPPY is a book by Karen Salmansohn that has beautiful illustrations with inspirational words of encouragement to help individuals improve their happiness. The book is divided into sections that address various topics that are barriers to happiness.

I have taken this and made it my own.  I laminated the pages and made it double sided, with one side being a statement and the back being the explanation to the statements.

I use this activity at the end of an individual session. I hand the cards over to the client to see which statements resonates with them. I first ask why and have brief discussion about their exploitation. Then I ask them to flip over the card to explore the explanation on the back and compare.

I have witnessed some of the statements being powerful for the client, as they have an "Aha" moment. Some client's even take a picture to remind them of the statement for the week.

I like that book for therapy as well as a great book for a client to have and remind them of their journey to happiness.


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