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Since my early 20's I have been creating smart goals but I didn't know it. Usually around my birthday in the fall I would sit and reflect on what I achieved that birth year and began to envision the next year. I would take that vision and before the new year put pictures and words to a board. I'm a visual learner so this was natural to me and helpful.

I had goals but some were not met because I didn't set myself up successfully. One thing that I have to acknowledge was I had ‘should’ goals like I ‘should’ be losing weight or I ‘should’ be doing this. The ‘should’ goals were not relevant so I didn’t achieve those goals but at times it would make me feel unsuccessful. So now I only set goals that are truly attainable and relevant to me. Little did i know I was creating SMART goals.

I would say that was the beginning of something great but I learned about SMART goals when I began my business. When I met with my mentors or other professionals it was always about planning and envisioning aka ‘what’s your SMART goals’. So I took those 5 steps and applied it to my personal life and I noticed an increase in me completing my goals.

When we write down our goals we are more likely to achieve the goals and by making the goal a SMART goal it also helps to get you closer to the goal. 

SMART is an acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) that outlines steps you need to take to reach your goal while also holding yourself accountable. Smart goals helps to give direction, clear focus, and can improve decision making. Many people become frustrated with making a New Year Resolution because it’s just a wish with no plan of action. A popular resolution is to lose weight, but that has no direction. Let’s make this goal a SMART goal.

Specific; What needs to be accomplished? What do I want to ultimately achieve? Think about your 'what, where, how and when'. 

I will lose fat and gain muscle in my abs.

Measurable; How will I know I have achieved this goal? How much change needs to occur? What do I need to do daily, weekly, monthly? This step will allow you to set milestones and track the progress, which will make it easier for you when you need to evaluate your progress.

  I will be able to see my 6 pack. I will lose 30 pounds.

Attainable; Is this goal achievable? Do I have or can I get the resources needed to achieve the goal? What can I control? Action orientated. 

Currently, I can’t achieve this goal but I will get a trainer as that is a helpful resource. 

 Relevant; Can I realistically achieve this goal? Is the goal meaningful to me? Am I willing to commit to achieving this goal? Identifying your ‘why’. Your why is your motivation and should be explored. Going back to my failed ‘should’ goals, I set them because it was to please others. Know your why. 

I want to be healthy and in shape. 

Timely; What is the deadline for achieving this goal? When do you plan to achieve this goal? This is an area many fall short, you need an end game because if not your wish will roll over and never become a goal. 

  Within 4 months. 

Within 4 months I will be able to see my 6 pack by getting a personal trainer. Losing fat and gaining muscles in my abs will allow me to be healthy and in shape. 

Take your goals and desires to the next level by using this worksheet . Learn how to hold yourself accountable by making your goals SMART goals. Evaluate your plan and make adjustments on the way you get to your goal but never lose sight of your goal. 

Videographer by Laumega


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